Why Bristol Palin Faked The Closeup Of The IV Date And A New Family Picture At The Hospital

Dakota Meyer - facebook Sailor Grace

This was the original picture that Dakota Meyer posted in December after the birth of “Sailor.”

While visiting Politicalgates today, we were discussing how Bristol forgot to flip back the selfie picture to show the staged re-enactment at the hospital that Bristol put up on her Instagram account.

This one… The result was that people thought she had the IV in the wrong arm. She didn’t but it looked as if she did and the only thing that gave it away was the date on her hand which was backward.


When you flip it back you see how she in fact meant it to be, but we are not talking brains here.

iv2 copy

KAO and KarenJ pointed out that she looked livid. I commented…

I’d say that they were furious that they all had to re-enact the scene because of the date on Dakota’s pic which the bloggers picked up. They must have thought it serious enough to try to correct it. And that was a fatal mistake!

NorCalGirl1 asked…

The selfie picture and the date on the tape picture are from 2 different pictures. I wonder why she didn’t show the whole blanket picture and then the closeup of the band instead of that other weird picture of the 3 of them?

And then it hit me!!!  The original pic of the tape was this remember…

Dakota Meyer - facebook Sailor Grace

They couldn’t do a re-enactment with Sailor because she would be too big. You couldn’t get that newborn look and pose with a two month old baby. Trying to photoshop that exact picture with a tape that would be legible would prove too difficult for the Palins. We have seen their handiwork…

10556420_10153839533833588_5453499718742868452_n copy

So they went ahead and created a completely new picture and then just showed a closeup of the tape with the new date  minus the baby.

The End

But not for the Palins and Dakota and poor little Sailor.


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16 Responses to Why Bristol Palin Faked The Closeup Of The IV Date And A New Family Picture At The Hospital

  1. Tumbleweed1 says:

    I believe you have summed it up in your usual succinct manner.

    Nice job Irishgirl.

  2. ProfessorCanine says:


    Nice work there IG.

  3. PVAZ says:

    Well you certainly know your photography

  4. Moles says:

    I_ cannot_believe_ this_family.
    (banging head on desk in total fury) 😦

    • 40Watt says:

      So Wonkette, along with countless others, blindly believes TMZ: Meyer wants child support. That much of the media is so lazy and stupid is really annoying me this morning.

      Meyer is not asking for visitation rights. He is not asking for sole custody. He is asking for joint custody. Should that be granted, he is further asking the court to allocate child support payments, who pays, how much etc. This is standard. What he is not doing is asking for Bristol to pay him.

  5. Judy says:

    I agree with 40 watt. Not sure about Alaska but NY Family Court filings are not public. so unless someone released the documents “News” outlets would not have access to the filings. It would be foolish for him not to ask for an allocation of child support.

  6. Constance says:

    The Palins created that charade to make themselves look better in the public eye but it doesn’t hide the fact that Bristol is a whore with four children all born out of wedlock from different men and she proved to be a first class hypocrite and fake Christian who earned her living from making lots of money from abstinence speeches, book sales, reality show and being on Dancing with the Stars while she had sex every man she dated. That cousin who exposed the Palins needs to go on record and show the world that her aunt and cousin are liars and bullies.

  7. DelMartian says:

    Hi from stormy SoCal.
    OK, I guess I’m just slow, but WHY? Why would Bristle go through all these histrionics just to change a birth date?

  8. Scarsdale says:

    I believe Sailor “dropped anchor” Nov. 4th. No mistake, just careless on the part of Bristles, not checking before releasing the REAL photo. In the fake photo, the baby’s head looks like one of the Russian porn dumplings boobs!!

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