Palin Already Pimping For A New Media Gig – Updated


Well, that didn’t take long. Palin, having been unceremoniously dumped by Fox News during the week, has scurried over to (I’m not linking to that disgusting site) to give an interview to Stephen K. Bannon of Undefeated fame. Remember Undefeated – the movie about Palin that was a total flop. This is just a snippet of what she had to say…

As far as long-term plans, the door is wide open. I know the country needs more truth-telling in the media, and I’m willing to do that. So, we shall see. And always in the center of it all I have an awesome, full, exciting, and large family living in a very unique part of America that keeps me hopping! I love it! (Me – no shout out to Sally Heath who is recovering in hospital after a hip replacement.)

Oh, you betcha she’s willing to accept another media gig. The fool couldn’t even be bothered to dress herself appropriately and comb her wig when Fox was paying her a very cool $1 million/year. I somehow don’t think there will be any other networks knocking on her door to offer her a lucrative contract like the one she just squandered.


Salon analyses her response to Bannon and notes the sheer idiocy of it…

What does she tell the wildly conservative site? “We can’t just preach to the choir; the message of liberty and true hope must be understood by a larger audience.”

The very next paragraph is a full-on howl in defense of preaching to the choir:

Focus on the 2014 election is also imperative. It’s going to be like 2010, but this time around we need to shake up the GOP machine that tries to orchestrate away too much of the will of constitutional conservatives who don’t give a hoot how they do it in DC. DC is out of touch, obviously. Voices on the right like Mark Levin, Rush, and the writers here at Breitbart have come out strongly against the “go along to get along” politicians who wave the white flag before the battle even begins. We’re not going to be able to advance the cause of limited constitutional government unless we deal with these big government enablers on our side. And this all ties into the problem of crony capitalism and the permanent political class in the Beltway. We need to consistently take them on election after election – ever vigilant.

She is one stupid woman! The peeponders are beside themselves with joy over her new message and are sending their money to SarahPAC for her presidential run. 🙂 They are not happy with any site that mentions that Fox offered  her only a fraction of what she had previously been getting. They want to go with the meme that Palin dumped Fox, and not with the more believable fact that Fox dumped Palin. Ah, they are an entertaining lot. 😉

Sarah+Palin+FIJI+Water+MSNBC+Correspondents+mO9iWKGK7HOl copy

Sarah, you rilly need to clean up your act before you go looking for another job.


I want to give full credit to Malia Litman for breaking the news about Palin’s contract not being renewed by Fox. The Palinbots obviously got wind of it through Malia’s blog, I saw them commenting on it and links to *the news* being deleted. Palin or one of her lackeys, in an attempt at damage control, contacted Real Clear Politics to say that ties had been cut.

cutting tiesSorry, I couldn’t resist…

There was no way that Palin wanted the world to know that Fox had dumped her so she was trying to get ahead of it, and Fox is playing along. Kudos to Malia for her persistence and determination. She broke the story!

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6 Responses to Palin Already Pimping For A New Media Gig – Updated

  1. pvaz says:

    She’s a real clothes horse!

  2. CC ... says:

    While I’m ecstatic about her non-renewed contract, couldn’t happen to a nicer grifter, I am still worried about all the bile she can still spew and will not be relieved until I see her doing a perp walk in an orange jumpsuit, the fraud, grifter bitch!!

    I feel better now… 🙂

  3. Ripley in CT says:

    god, I love the lower picture of the stains and the too-big shoes. Makes me laugh every time.

  4. MrsGunka says:

    When I look at that last picture, ….there’s no there there! The poster girl of ineptitude. Imposter.

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