Megyn Kelly Continues To Make An Ass Of Herself On Fox

Megyn Kelly was as serious as a heart attack when she proclaimed to the kids of America, who were up at 9pm watching her show during the week, that Santa and Jesus were white. Not only was she serious, she was bloody angry that anyone would suggest otherwise.

Of course there was the inevitable blowback about her racist comments and she was also mocked mercilessly (Jon Stewart was brilliant). He also skewered that other idiot on Fox, Wretched Carlson.

Anyway, Megyn appeared on Fox again last night and doubled down on stupid. Courtesy of The New York Daily News:

Megyn Kelly was just trying to bring some Christmas cheer onto her Fox News show when she declared that both Santa Claus and Jesus were white, she said in a rambling response to the firestorm her comments created.

“In kicking off the lighthearted segment, I offered a tongue-in-cheek message for any kids watching, saying that Santa, who I joked is a real person … is white,” she told her viewers Friday night. “That’s part of why we covered the story in the first place — humor is a part of what we try to bring to this show, but sometimes that’s lost on the humorless.”

“By the way, I also said Jesus is white,” Kelly continued, trying to dig herself out of the holiday hornet’s nest. “As I’ve learned in the past two days, that is far from settled.”

It also dawned on her that race is “still an incredibly volatile issue in this country,” and she made herself — and the “powerful” channel that employs her — the victim.

“Fox News and yours truly are big targets for many people,” she said.

Well, it seems as if she has learned a thing or two from Palin. She tried to turn the tables and pretend that it was all just a big joke and that she in fact was the victim of those humourless liberals. Oh Megyn, you really think people are going to fall for that claptrap. You came across even worse last night than you did on the first occasion. You were wrong, have the gumption (like Martin Bashir) to admit your mistake. One only has to take a wander around the tubes to see that no one believes your pathetic bullsh*t.
What Kelly was doing was continuing Fox News and Sarah Palin’s imaginary “War on Christmas.” And I’m glad to say that it backfired badly on her and showed her for the racist that she is.


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10 Responses to Megyn Kelly Continues To Make An Ass Of Herself On Fox

  1. 40Watt says:

    Great response from Aisha Harris –

    “I’ll be fine if no one else jumps on board the penguin train and Santa remains a white man. But if you’re seriously emphatic that he is white and must remain white, there’s a good chance that your view of the rest of the world is just as limited and unimaginative. I mean, we are talking about a magical man who slides down your chimney every Christmas Eve. Just so we’re clear.”

  2. MrsGunka says:

    That Fox News is just a bunch of wild and crazy guys, eh? Everyone one knows who lives at the North Pole. Right? Eskimos! Blonde, blue-eyed Inuits, right? Lot’s of blonde. blue-eyed Mediterranean people too. The whole area around Jerusalem, Palestine and Greece all look like a bunch of fun luvin’ blonde and blue eyed Norwegians! That Megyn and Gretchen would blend right in! It’s no wonder all those Missionaries had a hard time convincing the tribes in the southern hemisphere, like in the countries of Africa, Polynesia, Japan, India and China that Christ and Santa were just like them. HO, HO, HO! Fox News is just like the Comedy Club….eh? Facts is facts! Would the Right Wing lie to us? After all, the GOP are the true Christians and just love all people of color and race.

  3. crow says:

    “Well, it seems as if she has learned a thing or two from Palin.”

    And I dare say she will reap the same results one day, too. Megyn Kelly is what Sarah Palin would be if only she were articulate. Like Sarah, her looks have been overcome by her hate. I daresay Megyn has a headstart, though. At Megyn’s age, Sarah was at least still looking fresh-faced, had some charisma and could pass off a believable smile. It took Sarah several years to devolve into what she is now. Megyn’s looks are already hard, she can’t get a hairstyle to work and she never smiles. And the fact that she describes her scowling-faced, angry rant about Santa being white was her idea of joking is quite telling. That whole “apology” sounded just like a Sarah Palin rant only substituting “humorless liberals” for “lamestream media”. I think she may have been a victim of some kind of trauma or abuse when she was a child. There is no lightness in her heart.

  4. lindak1961 says:

    Martin Bashir was forced to resign, in spite of a genuine, heartfelt apology, but I bet that Megyn Kelly will get a raise for her stupidity and blaming others for her being dumb and hateful.

    • lindak1961 says:

      Speaking of Martin Bashir, both Jesus and Saint Nicholas probably looked more like Martin than like an Aryan, which is probably Megyn’s definition of white.

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