Juror B37

I think Juror B37 may have come to the realisation that she has stuck her two big feet into her mouth. Not only did she come across as a closet racist in her interview with Anderson Cooper, people are also questioning her now failed “book deal.” She issued this statement today. Courtesy of Gawker:

Book deal-exploring Zimmerman trial juror B37 has released a statement through CNN’s Carol Costello, the morning after four of her fellow jurors distanced themselves from her statements on Anderson Cooper’s show.

Here’s the full statement as found on Costello’s Facebook page, all sic (the mistakes could be Costello’s):

Thank you for the opportunity to vent some of the anguish which has been in me since the trial began. For reasons of my own, I needed to speak alone. There will be no other interviews. My prayers are with all those who have the influence and power to modify the laws that left me with no verdict option other than “not guilty” in order to remain within the instructions. No other family should be forced to endure what the Martin family has endured.

As for the alleged “book deal,” there is not one at this time. There was an agreement with a literary agent to explore the concept of a book which discussed the impact of sequestration on my perceptions of this serious case, while being compared to the perceptions of an attorney who was closely following the trial from outside the “bubble”. The relationship with the agent ceased the moment I realized what had been occurring in the world during the weeks of my sequestration. My prayers are with Travon’s parents for their loss, as they have always been. I now wish for me and my family to recover from being selected for this jury and return to a normal life. God bless.

I wonder if the attorney who was closely following the case could have been her husband? I wonder if B37 and her attorney husband knew George Zimmerman’s father, the *Judge.* I wonder if B37 was coached by her husband so she would be selected for jury duty. I wonder why she kept calling the accused man George, as if he was her BFF.


As 90degrees2theleft.com points out, if Trayvon Martin was banging Zimmerman’s head off a concrete curb, then why are the blood stains running towards his face and why is the back of his jacket so clean?

I wonder if old Georgy Porgy didn’t get a friend to rough him up a bit.

I wonder why Georgy Porgy smiled so often when B37 gave her voir dire interview.

georgy porgy

This trial has been a complete and utter farce.

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5 Responses to Juror B37

  1. Mrsgunka says:

    It has certainly awakened many people in the USA about the revival of overt racism in America and people passing laws that makes it possible to commit murder and get away with it because you can set someone up, murder them and get away with it within the law! She sure backed down when the other jurors spoke up! What was her husbands role in this fiasco?

  2. vegaslib says:

    I’m sorry, but if you have to say you’re not a racist, you probably are a racist. I’m a white, middle aged female and I was totally disgusted with this juror. I saw a picture of her and she looked exactly like I expected. She said Z had a right to protect himself, well why didn’t Trayvon? He was unarmed doing nothing but walking home. I don’t believe for a minute that Trayvon threw the first blow. Not for a minute. I’m so ashamed of these people who are blaming this innocent boy for his own death. Shame on them.

  3. How did Zimmerman friend Frank Taaffe have inside jury information that he announced on Nancy Grace and Fox news a couple of hours before the verdict. He said the woman with 8 kids was the last holdout for manslaughter and was being pressed to acquit. I am sure this came from b 37’s husband. It matched her story. She falsely convinced her jurors to acquit by saying that her George had to be afraid of “bodily injury”. Not true. It was fear of death, not 2 bandaids. She knew much more going into trial and practically begged to get on the jury.

  4. sleuth says:

    Jury “sequestration” in Florida apparently is completely different from anywhere else in the USA, where sequestered juries aren’t allow visits from “guests”.

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